6. Application

6.1. Overview

An example is provided within the examples folder. This example contains a case study in the Susquehanna watershed with several python scripts (corresponding to four mesh types). For example, the MPAS mesh type-based case is explained here.

6.2. Model simulation

6.2.1. Step 1

The example run_simulation_mpas.py script import a few packages and functions.

import os, sys
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import realpath
from pyflowline.pyflowline_read_model_configuration_file import pyflowline_read_model_configuration_file

The pyflowline_read_model_configuration_file function reads in a JSON configuration file and loads all the necessary model parameters.

6.2.2. Step 2

The script sets up some paths, which should be adjusted based on a real case and your local directory structure.

sPath_parent = str(Path(__file__).parents[2]) # data is located two dir's up
sPath_data = realpath( sPath_parent +  '/data/susquehanna' )
sWorkspace_input =  str(Path(sPath_data)  /  'input')
sWorkspace_output=  str(Path(sPath_data)  /  'output')
sWorkspace_output=  '/full/path/to/pyflowline/data/susquehanna/output'

6.2.3. Step 3

Check the configuration file:

sFilename_configuration_in = realpath( sPath_parent +  '/examples/susquehanna/pyflowline_susquehanna_mpas.json' )
if os.path.isfile(sFilename_configuration_in):
    print('This configuration does not exist: ', sFilename_configuration_in )

6.2.4. Step 4

Set up case information and read the configuration file.

iCase_index = 17
Mesh = 'mpas'

oPyflowline = pyflowline_read_model_configuration_file(sFilename_configuration_in, \
   iCase_index_in=iCase_index, sDate_in=sDate)

6.2.5. Step 5

Setup the model and run the three major steps.

Cell = oPyflowline.mesh_generation()

6.2.6. Step 6

Analyze and export the model outputs.


6.2.7. Step 7

Optionally, the user can also visualize the model outputs using the following method.

aExtent_full = [-78.5,-75.5, 39.2,42.5]
sFilename =  'filtered_flowline.png'
oPyflowline._plot(sFilename, sVariable_in = 'flowline_filter', aExtent_in =aExtent_full  )

sFilename =  'conceptual_flowline_with_mesh.png'
oPyflowline._plot(sFilename,  iFlag_title=1 ,sVariable_in='overlap',   aExtent_in =aExtent_full )